Lung cancer continues to be one of the deadliest forms of cancer, and it is not showing signs of slowing down shortly. Currently, the 5-year survival rate for lung cancer that has spread to other organs sits at only five percent. In this scenario, only five percent of patients who are diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to other organs will be alive five years from now. To help reduce the risk of late-stage diagnosis, Americans should familiarize themselves with the early warning signs, giving them a better probability for success.

A Lingering or a Worsening Cough
It is not uncommon for someone to let a cough continue to linger for an extended period, and in most instances, is harmless. Sometimes though, the lingering cough can mean that sometimes more serious is going on. This makes it more important to get a lingering cough checked out.

Shortness of Breath
Many people may feel a shortness of breath after getting sick, and it often does not indicate that anything serious is going on. In some instances, a consistent feeling of shortness of breath can be another sign of lung cancer. Anyone who has experienced shortness of breath should keep an eye on how long the issue has lasted, and if it has progressed at all.

Pain or Inflammation in Lymph Nodes
Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and often can become inflamed when fighting an infection. For some lung cancer patients, one of the signs is pain, inflammation, or both in the lymph nodes, specifically within the neck area. While painful or inflamed lymph nodes can stem from a variety of things, it is important to remember that it can also be a sign of lung cancer.

Pain In Bones
Patients may also experience some sort of bone pain and typically occurs in the back, ribs, or hips. The pain can vary in location and type of pain. Some patients have reported losing sensation down their legs, while others have experienced weakness in their arms and legs. If there are no known problems that could cause bone pain, it is worthwhile to see a doctor, to ensure that nothing serious is going on.

If any of these symptoms begin popping up and aren’t going away with conventional measures, it is highly recommended that you see a doctor as soon as possible. This will help you determine what the symptoms are being caused by, and how you can work to beat the disease for good.